Customer Service Testimonials

We're reliable and build lasting relationships – our full range of services and UK-wide coverage means that we can help you, no matter how remote the location, for years to come. Customer satisfaction is important to us and we love hearing your feedback. Here are some examples...

Amber, many thanks for making this process so painless for me. You have been incredibly efficient and professional throughout, this is rare and highly valued. Do share this fan mail with your boss.

— Mrs C, Kent

Dealing with UKDP has been completely hassle free from start to finish. Not only were we kept informed of progress of our claim at regular intervals, Rob was exceptionally supportive and very effective in settling our claim in a very short space of time prior to completion on our house sale. I couldn't thank UKDP enough and would not hesitate in recommending their services to any of my friends or colleagues. Thanks very much once again. We complete on Thursday - but it wouldn't be happening without your help.

— Dr H, Surrey

The service we received from UKDP was outstanding!! From the very first phone call, through to the completion of the works, UKDP acted professionally, swiftly and helped us through what could have been a very stressful time. Our sincere thanks have to go to Rob Brindley in the Claims dept for his help and advice and to James Warren, technical director for his advice on the works that we had done. The team at UKDP are second to none. Thank you to everyone that was involved.

— Mr M, Kent

I'd like to thank UKDP for all your input and assistance in dealing with our problems so swiftly and effectively. From the first point of contact to completion you've been incredibly helpful and I would recommend your company without hesitation. Many thanks again.

— Mr W, Worcestershire

It's difficult to express exactly how fantastic the service was we received from James and his team. Always professional, always available with excellent communication skills. What James doesn't know about septic tanks isn't worth knowing. His attention to detail, knowledge of the system and desire to ensure a fair and proper outcome makes him a pleasure to work alongside. We cannot thank him enough for all that he did for us.

— Mrs L, Commercial Property - Norfolk

Thank you very much for all your help in this matter. It certainly took away a lot of stress from me and achieved a good result.

— Mr T, Cornwall